First of all Firsts.

Palms dripping with salty sweat, the phone slipped as fingers desperately caught it, putting it back against the ear. Eyes were growing hot, the tears threatening to fall - blinking...

Fifteen Minutes.

“Fifteen minutes is all I ask.” “Why?”  “Because with me, it only takes fifteen minutes.” “So you think that fifteen minutes with me would suffice?”  “Why not? Everyone who had...


She placed the cold body on the tabletop, her fingers softly prodding the wet, clammy skin. Grabbing the large, shiny knife from the drawers, she carefully pressed the tip against...


Chirping birds at my window reminds me that it is a warm Sunday morning as I groggily open my eyes, the sunlight filtering through my curtains that are inconspicuously fluttering...


The warm fog from the bathroom diffused through the room as I stepped out from the toilet, the scent of British Rose shower gel and the chalky smell of nicotine...


 ”Two dollars, is that enough?” Asked the smaller one with the pigtails.  “More than enough, I am supposed to get a can of mushrooms as well, those are a dollar,”...


I nearly spat out the food as I surveyed my mother contentedly chewing across the table. Beside me, my father had fear etched on his face as he prodded the...