

The brand maruthondri was founded in October 2019, by Kirthiga Ravindaran. The term “maruthondri” refers to henna in Tamil – Kirthiga’s native tongue. It reminds her of her brand’s objective, to remain grounded to her roots and to always remain true to itself.

We were and still will remain a progress journal, a lifelong testimony to Kirthiga’s journey and driven passion in the art form of henna.

This brand sees itself carrying on a legacy that not just provides an art service, but to be inspired, inspire and thirst for knowledge.

We are now open for bridal services, parties, events and other business collaborations. Do drop us an enquiry to find out more.

Your support and love keeps us going.

We love you.


Kirthiga Ravindaran started her henna journey at the age of eight – her first client being her sister. It was not until when she was twenty-three that she decided to pursue henna art as a small business and decided to upgrade her skills to suit the current industry. Being a writer, Kirthiga hopes that she can bring stories to life through her henna journey, just as she does with her words. As someone who also enjoys doodling as much as writing or reading, Kirthiga is on her way to make maruthondri a creative and well-acknowledged brand in Singapore.