I wouldn’t call myself an aficionado but as I learn more about this art, I also want to make it a point to share as much as I can. Before that, I’ve decided to answer five questions that provides a little background insight to maruthondri. Welcome to my first ever henna post – let’s go.


“maruthondri” refers to “henna” in Tamil. Henna has many different names in many different languages and I chose a brand name that would resonate deep within my own identity and culture – Tamil.


No, definitely not. Anyone can learn this beautiful art at any age – all you need is practice, determination and of course, lots of passion about it!

I started henna art at the age of eight, and my sister was my first client. I was shaky at first, I had no knowledge of what went into the cone and I followed practice books. I gradually started doing henna for my close family and friends only during wedding seasons and Deepavali seasons for free – I didn’t put in much work and practice until I decided to upgrade myself about a decade later. I attended a course conducted by a professional in October 2019 and it opened me to so many new learning curves that I decided to pursue a business through henna. Hence, maruthondri was conceived.

At this point, I am still learning. It definitely doesn’t happen overnight so if you are looking to learn the art form and are afraid, don’t be. There are absolutely no age limits to learning henna art.

This was back in 2010, when I was still using store-bought cones and had absolutely no techniques.
This was taken in November 2019, nearly a decade later after I finished my advanced henna course. Look at the difference!


I was a design and technology student, not an art student. It’s not a fact that only art students can draw intricate henna (although art techniques definitely help) but pure hardworking and practice does. I enjoy drawing in my free time, I focus a lot on pop art and watercolour that I hope to incorporate in my henna work someday. Don’t be deterred, keep working hard!


Growing up, I watched my aunt do henna for all of us in the family. She was my first muse and inspiration for me to get a head-start. In fact, there is indeed a backstory as to why I was spurred to take up a course in the first place.

I used to not charge for my henna especially for family and close friends, probably a huge mistake that I wasn’t aware of at that time. I was contacted by a bride one day, for her wedding henna and I agreed, telling her that she could pay me any amount as she desired (the bride was a friend I know, hence I agreed). I spent hours bent over, working on intricate murals and perfection – for which I was severely underpaid. Back home in the taxi, I reflected on the situation and for the first time ever, I felt like I had been taken advantage of.

It was that incident that made me realise how much of work my fellow henna artists put into their work, hard work that needs to be remunerated and recognised accordingly. I was then gently nudged forward by my parents and boyfriend, to upgrade myself accordingly and not to let myself be stepped over easily. I looked online and found an amazing opportunity to be taught by a professional henna artist, who also inspired me to kickstart maruthondri and keep working hard everyday.

Almost all the time, inspiration stems from a good reason but sometimes, we learn through lessons that are thrown at us. I see this incident as a stepping stone for maruthondri – pretty flowers grow in cracks too doesn’t it?

I even attempted shading, hahaha.
One of my proudest work, a lotus flower. It was also the first time I attempted something out of the box besides the quintessential henna vines and flowers.


For now, due to the circuit breaker, events and parties are on a hold. I’m still intending on having my page as a progress journal but hopefully in due time, I expand to products and collaborations even! There are many henna artists who inspire me on a daily basis, and I hope that I stay on path like them well enough to be able to nurture maruthondri.

And there it is, a humble attempt on an introductory post for maruthondri. I hope you all are staying safe and staying at home this period!

Kirthiga Ravindaran

Kirthiga Ravindaran

My name is Kirthiga Ravindaran, and I welcome you to my website ! What started off as a platform just for my muses whenever I had the time and brain-space is now on its way to developing into a full-fledged lifestyle blog of my own (or as I hope). Here lies, likely stories of mine and I hope you do find some inspiration along the way.