I’m sorry, sister.

I’m sorry that you were pushed up against a wall and had a hand up your skirt, while gathering every ounce of energy to push him away but you couldn’t because you were intoxicated.

I’m sorry that your first boyfriend forced himself upon you because he said it was “love” if you allowed him to strip you of your clothes and modesty.

I’m sorry that you couldn’t cry out loud in fear of shame because a boner was intentionally pressing hard on your saree-clad hips during a peak-hour commute crowd.

I’m sorry that your husband prays to Durga in the morning and hits you at night.

I’m sorry that your stories of sexual harassment has to be of a certain magnitude to be deemed as ‘sexual harassment’. #metoo

However, I’m also sorry, brother.

I’m sorry that your girlfriend threatens suicide the instant you want to leave your toxic relationship – your mind drowning and gasping for breath every single day.

I’m sorry that your wife physically, verbally abuses you in public and yet you never laid a finger on her because you love her.

I’m sorry to all the fathers out there who love their daughters and fear for their safety that they stay up waiting for her with groggy eyes, no matter what time she comes back and sleeps only when she closes her room door.

I’m sorry, that your mother brought you up to be a kind, loving man that you never knew how to stand up for yourself when you are right – especially against a manipulative woman.

I’m sorry that what’s left of the nice men are swept under the rug of generalization because women fear most of their kind. #notallmen

I’m sorry, sister and brother, for what has been done to you BOTH is a root of poison planted in the depths of today’s society that cannot be yanked out. Forgive me for being the only mind craving a change of perspectives amongst the millions who don’t.

Kirthiga Ravindaran

Kirthiga Ravindaran

My name is Kirthiga Ravindaran, and I welcome you to my website ! What started off as a platform just for my muses whenever I had the time and brain-space is now on its way to developing into a full-fledged lifestyle blog of my own (or as I hope). Here lies, likely stories of mine and I hope you do find some inspiration along the way.