I haven’t looked at your resume in depth but do tell a little about yourself.

Oh, I’d love to. For starters, I’ve had experience with a couple of emotional outbursts over the slightest inconvenience that happens – mostly because I build up incidents and keep a lid on it.

No experience with patience ?

Not one bit. I seemingly can’t grasp the idea of being patient, even though I’ve been given opportunities. Blew them all.

Tell me more about the time when you faced a problem with your outbursts. What did you do ?

Shut down ? It’s hard for me to admit a mistake because I feel like I have a steadfast reason as to why it happened and when no one listens, I shut down. Cement up and slap down more bricks.

Interesting. It says here that you’ve had a lot of – hang on – expertise with egoism.

Pfft, it comes naturally to me !

Probably why you have rated yourself a 5 on 5 for this on your resume. Surprise me.

I’d take an entire day for this but in summary – if I don’t protect myself, who would ?

It says nothing in here about communication.

Communicate when necessary. Sometimes, silence is the best gift you can give yourself.

Well, we had a great talk, but if we are gonna talk more, I’m gonna have to –

Get me to leave ? Can I have my file please, I appreciate that you took this much of time aside for me.

– hire you.


Kirthiga Ravindaran

Kirthiga Ravindaran

My name is Kirthiga Ravindaran, and I welcome you to my website ! What started off as a platform just for my muses whenever I had the time and brain-space is now on its way to developing into a full-fledged lifestyle blog of my own (or as I hope). Here lies, likely stories of mine and I hope you do find some inspiration along the way.